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Journal of the Philosophy of Media


Journal publisher:
Center for Philosophy of Media and Mediological Researches (Zagreb)


Address: Petrovogorska 18, 10000 Zagreb


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YEAR 7 (2018) No. 13


Creative Commons License
This journal is open access and this work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.



ISSN 1848-6304

UDK 316.774:1

Vol 7, No. 13, 2018.



Silva Kalčić: Trauma i identitet u medijima, medijalizacija i konstrukt
Trauma and Identity in Media, Medialisation and Construct
Iva Brčić: Utjecaj medija na gledatelja od najranije do odrasle dobi
Effects of Media on the Spectators from Childhood to Adulthood
Lidija Fištrek: Tijelo kao medij u digitalnoj umjetnosti
The Body as Media in Digital Art
Katerina Jovanović: Tijelo kao medij i metafora u kontekstu umjetničkog performansa
Body as a Medium and Metaphor in the Context of Performance Art
Bernard Špoljarić: Domena virtualnog: analogon ili ekstenzija svekolikog bivstvovanja
Virtual Domain: Analogue or the Extension of the Overall Being
Krešimir Katušić: „Intuitivna geometrija“ u prostornoj kiparskoj instalaciji „Ples Života“
“Intuitive Geometry” in Spatial Sculpture Installation “Dance of Life”
Josipa Lulić: Slika kao medij mišljenja: distribuirana kognicija i teorija proširenog uma
Image as Contemplation Medium: Distributed Cogniton and the Extended Mind Theory
Luka Janeš: Medijska istinosna crvotočina
Truth-Bearing Wormhall of the Media
Nina Ožegović: (Ne)vjerodostojnost medijske reprezentacije kulture: od političke manipulacije do strategije skandala
(Non)-credibility of the Media Representation of Culture: from Political Manipulation to Scandal Strategy
Ružica Čičak-Chand: Suvremenost Buddhina učenja kao puta oslobođenja
Contemporary Buddha’s teaching as a Path to Liberation