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Journal of the Philosophy of Media


Journal publisher:
Center for Philosophy of Media and Mediological Researches (Zagreb)


Address: Petrovogorska 18, 10000 Zagreb


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YEAR 12 (2023) No. 23


Creative Commons License
This journal is open access and this work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.



ISSN 1848-6304

UDK 316.774:1

Vol 12, No. 23, 2023.



Predrag Finci: Umjetnost i utopija
The Arts and Utopia
Sead Alić: Bog
Darko Kovačić: Prilog interpretaciji Feuerbachove sumnjive odsutnosti
A Contribution to Interpretation of Feuerbach’s Suspicious Absence
Senad Nanić: Kontroverze u tumačenjima islamske arhitekture i geometrijskog ornamenta
Controversies in the Interpretations of Islamic Architecture and Geometric Ornament
Dario Vuger: Tehnologija kao kultura – tehnika kao gesta: kritika kibernetičkog projekta kod Simondona i Heideggera
Technology as Culture – Technics as Gesture: Critique of Cybernetics in Simondon and Heidegger
Darko Kovačić: Prilog interpretaciji Feuerbachove nesumnjive prisutnosti
A Contribution to Interpretation of Feuerbach’s Undoubted Presence
Lidija Dujić i Dora Mesić: Stereotypical depiction of Roma Population in the Media
Stereotipni prikaz romskog stanovništva u medijima
Edib Ahmetašević: Milutin Čekić upravitelj Narodnog kazališta u Zagrebu
Milutin Čekić’s Contribution in Reform National Theatre in Zagreb
Goran Đurđević i Suzana Marjanić: De re robotica: O posthumanom folkloru, kućnim ljubimcima-robotima i susretima s radnim robotima
De re robotica: Posthuman Folklore research, Robotic Pets and Meetings with working Robots
Amila Šljivo – Grbo: Mediji i prava djeteta
Media and Children’s Rights


Smiljana Šafarić Branthwaite: Vremenska prognoza ženskog tijela
Kratki eksperimentalni film, video -zvučna instalacija


Assoc Prof. Michael Safaric Branthwaite and
Bas Korthholt:
“Looking at Kamp Westerbork”
Interview and introduction.