In Medias Res no. 24

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International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 24

In Medias Res no. 23

inmediasres no. 23

International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 23

In Medias Res no. 22

inmediasres no. 22

International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 22

In Medias Res no. 21

inmediasres no. 21

International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 21

In Medias Res no. 20

inmediasres no. 20

International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 20

In Medias Res no. 19

inmediasres no. 19

International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 19

In Medias Res no. 18

inmediasres no. 18

International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 18

In Medias Res no. 17

inmediasres no. 17

International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 17

In Medias Res no. 16

inmediasres no. 16

International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 16

In Medias Res no. 15

inmediasres no. 15

International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 15

In Medias Res no. 14

inmediasres no. 14

International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 14

In Medias Res no. 13


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 13

In Medias Res no. 12


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 12

In Medias Res no. 11


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 11

In Medias Res no. 10


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 10

In Medias Res no. 9


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 9

In Medias Res no. 8


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 8

In Medias Res no. 7


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 7

In Medias Res no. 6


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 6

In Medias Res no. 5


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 5

In Medias Res no. 4


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 4

In Medias Res no. 3


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 3

In Medias Res no. 2


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 2

In Medias Res no. 1


International Scientific Journal for the Philosophy of Media
No. 1

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– General information about the journal

– Copyright and access

– Editorial Board

– Participants in the process of publishing: authors, reviewers and editors

– Manuscript submission

– Referencing

– Peer-review process

– Publication ethics

– Archiving

– Contacts



General information about the journal


Guided by the idea that the core question, not only of contemporary philosophy, but all humanities, social sciences and scientific disciplines – is the issue of the media and media intermediation – we have launched our electronic interdisciplinary scientific journal „IN MEDIAS RES“. Manuscripts are published in Croatian and English language, twice a year (May/September). Our ISSN number is 1848-6304, and our DOI number is 10.46640/imr.

On journal`s web site every information about journal and the journal`s texts shall be visible. Web site:

Owner and publisher of In Medias Res journal is Center for Philosophy of Media and Mediological Researches (Zagreb, Croatia).

In our approach to history, religion, philosophy, culture, art, science, tradition and modernity, we want to examine what really belongs to the 'substance', and how much of it accounts for 'mouthpieces', 'intermediaries', techniques, the media, and the defining organisations and hierarchies.

In this sense, In Medias Res will welcome and publish (reviewed) articles from various scientific branches and disciplines, insofar as they scientifically reflect on some of the segments of mediality in their scientific field.

In Medias Res areas of interest:

  1. Relations between the media of orality and writing, printed text, electronic, digital, networking, new, mobile and new new media, etc.
  2. Dance – ritual – spectacle
  3. The media of religious revelation
  4. Man as the medium of spirit
  5. Art as a medium/The media dimension of an artwork
  6. The techniques of media intermediation
  7. Technology – science – philosophy
  8. Anthropological and philosophical reflections on the changes in the human experience
  9. Working tools, production extensions, extensions of the mental and physical dimensions of man
  10. The media between information, persuasion, play, seduction and manipulation
  11. The media-mediology/Technique-technology
  12. The media and politics
  13. Media research, media research studies and media studies research
  14. Legislation and the practices of media intermediation
  15. The truth of corporate, non-profit and community media
  16. The media and independent civic initiatives
  17. Media/history/revolution
  18. Psychological media research
  19. The media between culture and business



Copyright and access


This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

The complete text of the articles published in the journal may be used for free for non-commercial purposes respecting copyrights of authors and the journal.

In Medias Res respects author rights: authors of the published articles retaine publishing rights, as well as copyright. In accordance with CC BY-NC 4.0 licence (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International licence) available on the following page:



Editorial Board


Editor-in-Chief: Sead Alić

Deputy Editor: Tijana Vukić

Managing Editor: Nenad Vertovšek

Secretary: Srećko Brdovčak Mac

Editorial Board: Frank Hartman (Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany), Predrag Finci (England), Herta Maurer (Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Institute of Slavic Studies, Austria), Izidora Leber (Solo artist, Switzerland), Željko Rutović (Ministry of Culture, Montenegro), Mimo Drašković (Faculty of Maritime Studies, Montenegro), Fahira Fejzić-Čengić (Faculty of Political Sciences, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Rusmir Šadić (University of Tuzla, Faculty of Philosophy, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Divna Vuksanović (Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Art, Serbia), Slađana Stamenković (Faculty of Sport, Serbia), Dragan Čalović (Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Megatrend, Serbia), Lino Veljak (Faculty of Philosophy University of Zagreb, Croatia), Đorđe Obradović (University of Dubrovnik, Croatia), Ružica Čičak-Chand (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Croatia), Damir Bralić (University of North, Croatia), Nenad Vertovšek (Department of Croatian Studies at the University of Zadar, Croatia), Slobodan Hadžić (University of North, Presscut, Croatia), Robert Geček (University of North, Croatia), Darijo Čerepinko (University of North, Croatia), Mario Periša (University of North, Croatia), Ivana Greguric (Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb, Department of Philosophy, Croatia), Tijana Vukić (University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula, Croatia), Vesna Ivezić (Croatia), Jure Vujić (Institute for Geopolitics and Strategic Research, Croatia), Sead Alić (University of North, Croatia)

Lectors and correctors: Majda Kovač and Vesna Ivezić

Layout and placement on the Web: ing. Amir Ahmetašević

The design the cover of the first issue: Nora Mojaš and Venes Alić



Participants in the process of publishing: authors, reviewers and editors



The authors of manuscripts are required to clearly and distinctly present the subject of their research, the meaning of research for the academic community, the research method, and present their analysis / research objectively and transparently. The sources that were used must be clearly indicated. Sources that have significantly influenced the formatting of attitudes in the presented report should also be highlighted. The user of the text (reader, scientist, student) should be able to check the theses of the text by means of information on the sources used, and have the opportunity to develop their own research (promoted by the published text or sources that the author invites).

If members of Editorial board would like to send their article to be published in this journal, the task of Editor-in-Chief is to ensure that the aforementioned article is being reviewed anonymously by other members of the Editorial Board (review without the information about the author - only the title of the article and it`s text).

The authors are not charged by the journal for the costs of receiving, reviewing and publishing papers.

Manuscripts for which the editorial and review process detects containing plagiarized parts - will not be published. The same applies to auto-plagiarized work, that is, manuscripts in which the author uses parts of previously published own texts without reference. Those authors who would be declared as plagiators the Editor board may decide to deny the possibility of publishing texts in this journal for one year, five years or even at all (depending on the severity of the offense).

In the case of a particular academic reaction, authors should be willing to submit data on published research, or make this data available (in accordance with the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases). Manuscripts are acceptable in Croatian and English language.

Additionally, by submitting a manuscript, the authors confirm that the same manuscript has not been published or submitted for publishing elsewhere. Following the publication in the journal, the author has his copyright and can publish his work in other publications (indicating the journal in which the article was first published).

Regarding the texts that had more people working on them, the distinction between authors, co-authors and associates must be indicated. The author and co-author conduct the research, define the theses, formulate the text, and are responsible for the objective interpretation of the facts. Associates may also participate in conducting the research or other segment of the work and they are specifically indicated.

If the editorial board or the author find a certain mistake in an already published article - the journal will respond to this situation by announcement or referral regarding the mistake that occurred in that text.

Seeing as this is an electronic journal, the editorial board will accept visual and audio contributions in formats that can be published on the website. Audio and video contributions can be part of a text, but can also be broadcast at the end of the text. Due to technical reasons, it is recommended that the audio and video formats be short. Photographs and graphic sketches are also most welcome. The PDF format will contain the text and the images written in accordance with the following instructions.

By sending the text to the journal, the authors guarantee that the text is published for the first time, that it will not be sent to other journals during the review, that the editorial board has the right to unlimited reprint and reprint, and that no part of the text is plagiarized.



Every article in the journal In Medias Res must have at least two reviews. As a rule, it will be one review of scientists from Croatia and one of scientist from abroad. In the case of significant differences in reviews, the editorial board will also obtain a third review.

Reviewers receive texts without the author's information, and within a reasonable time fill out the review form and submit it to the Editorial board.

There are two reviewers who do not know about each other. Likewise, the author does not know who is reviewing the text and the reviewers do not know whose text they are reviewing because it is a double-blind review, or a process in which two reviewers independently make their own judgment about the text without knowing who authored the text.

It is the duty of the reviewer to objectively evaluate the text / research and suggest the changes that are necessary for the text to be published, that is, the finalization that would help the text to be at the level required of the scientific texts.

The Editorial board must not send the text to the reviewer, if he/she is in any (known) form of conflict of interest regarding the actors in the publication process.

Reviewers are provided with forms in which they state their views on important segments of the text, and evaluate in which segments the text is satisfactory, what could or should be refined in the text, and whether the text can and should be processed in the existing process or in the existing one. The text can be published or rejected.

The journal does not pay for peer review. The editorial board relies on the scientific integrity of its associate scientists and their will and desire to contribute to the scientific excellence and scientific integrity of the academic community through their work.

In order to simplify the review work, the Editorial board has prepared a form in which the reviewer decides, first of all, whether the text satisfies each of the individual dimensions of the scientific work. In addition, there is of course room to comment on the sentiment. In the final comment, the reviewer refers to the specifics of the text, the specific reasons for accepting, rejecting, or requesting further elaboration, as well as those information about the text that may not have been requested in the review table with questions that are important for valorizing the text.

The reviewer suggests the following options:

  1. „Original scientific paper“  presenting new and thus far unpublished results of scientific research;
  2. „Preliminary communication“ presenting new and thus far unpublished preliminary results of scientific research;
  3. „Review article“ presenting an original and critical survey of a specific field of study or its part.
  4. „Do not publish“.



The editor is responsible for the entire process of publishing, from the receipt of the text, recording the date of receipt of the text, through the selection of reviewers, coordinating the review results, to editing, proofreading and publication of those texts.

In his work, the editor acts so that the determinative reason for his work is exclusively the scientific dimension of the texts received (regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs).

It is the editor's task to disable any form of hate speech, or to prevent the publication of texts in which such speech is supported.



Manuscript submission


The desirable length of original scientific papers should range between 16 and 32 typewritten pages, of preliminary communications and review articles between 8 and 16, and of book reviews between 4 and 8 typewritten pages. A typewritten page contains 1 800 characters with spaces.

The title of manuscripts should contain the following information:

  1. the name and the surname of the author
  2. the full name and address of the institution the author is presently employed at,
  3. the author s contact address (if different from the address of the institution),
  4. the author s e-mail address,
  5. the paper s full title (and subtitle if applicable),
  6. and an abstract of the paper (not longer than 900 characters with spaces) and key words (up to 10) on separate sheet of paper.

If the bibliographic details of the works quoted or referred to in the text are not inserted in the form of footnotes, authors are required to list all the cited literature containing all the necessary information about the same at the end of their papers.

Manuscripts are to be sent by e-mail (in the form of an attachment) to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the event that journal shall no longer publish manuscripts, publisher will keep and maintain the journal`s website with every single manuscript that was published.





The Editorial board recommends directions that are provided by the Croatian Philosophical Society.

The Editorial board recommends referencing by footnotes in a way that has been standard. The first reference to a work in a footnote should have the following form:

  1. [for books] John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA) 1971, p. 43.
  2. [for proceedings] Julie K. Ward (ed), Feminism and Ancient Philosophy, Routledge, New York – London 1996.
  3. [for journal articles] Hubert L. Dreyfus, „The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty s Phenomenology of Embodiment. Synthesis philosophica  19-20  (1-2/1995), pp. 35-50.
  4. [for a paper from a proceeding or a chapter from a book] James Rachels, „Ethical Theory and Bioethics“, in: Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds.), A Companion to Bioethics, Blackwell, Malden (MA) – Oxford – Carlton (VI) 2004, pp. 15 – 23.
  5. [for e-literature] Arne Naess, „Is It a Plus to Have a Definite Metaphysics in Common“, Accessed on July 27, 2007.

If the title and subtitle of a cited paper or book are not already separated by a punctuation mark, in citing them the two must be separated by a full stop and the first letter of the subtitle must be written in a capital letter. For example:

  1. Hans Jonas, The Phenomenon of Life. Toward a Philosophical Biology.
  2. Yi Jungquing, „The Laborious and Painful Process of Emancipation. A Survey of the Last Ten Years of Chinese Philosophy“.

The footnote of an already and previously cited work should only contain the initial of the first name and the full surname of the author, the title of the work (book or article) cited and the relevant page numbers. For example:

  1. J. Rawls, A Theory of Justice, p. 120.
  2. H. L. Dreyfus, „The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty s Phenomenology of Embodiment“, p. 38.

In consecutive referring to the same work, the footnotes are only to contain the word „Ibid“ and the relevant page numbers, as in the example below:

  1. Ibid., p. 112.

The editor s office, naturally, accepts other standards of referencing provided that they are consistent throughout a text.



Peer-review process


All papers are subject to peer review and are accepted for publication after they receive two anonymus positive reviews. As a rule, it will be one review of scientists from Croatia and one of scientist from abroad. In the case of significant differences in reviews, the editorial board will also obtain a third review.

Reviewed papers are categorised in the following way:

  1. Original (scientific paper) presenting new and thus far unpublished results of scientific research;
  2. Preliminary communication presenting new and thus far unpublished preliminary results of scientific research;
  3. Review article presenting an original and critical survey of a specific field of study or its part;
  4. Do not publish, the reviewer may suggest that the paper does not possess the qualities required for scientific work and that it should not be published.

The journal also publishes uncategorised papers, i. e reviews of philosophically relevant publications published within the period of the last three years.

All the papers that pass the first editorial control are subject to the so-called double-blind review process which does not reveal the identity of the authors or reviewers.

Reviewer shall objectively evaluate the text/research and suggest the changes that are necessary for the text to be published, that is, the finalization that would help the text to be at the level required of the scientific texts.

Reviewer, if he/she is in any (known) form of conflict of interest regarding the actors in the publication process, shall not be included in the process.

There are two reviewers who do not know about each other. Likewise, the author does not know who is reviewing the text and the reviewers do not know whose text they are reviewing because it is a double-blind review, or a process in which two reviewers independently make their own judgment about the text without knowing who authored the text.

Reviewers are provided with forms in which they state their views on important segments of the text, and evaluate in which segments the text is satisfactory, what could or should be refined in the text, and whether the text can and should be processed in the existing process or in the existing one. The text can be published or rejected.

The journal does not pay for peer review. The editorial board relies on the scientific integrity of its associate scientists and their will and desire to contribute to the scientific excellence and scientific integrity of the academic community through their work.

In order to simplify the review work, the Editorial board has prepared a form in which the reviewer decides, first of all, whether the text satisfies each of the individual dimensions of the scientific work. In addition, there is of course room to comment on the sentiment. In the final comment, the reviewer refers to the specifics of the text, the specific reasons for accepting, rejecting, or requesting further elaboration, as well as those information about the text that may not have been requested in the review table with questions that are important for valorizing the text.

The reviewer suggests the following options:

  1. „Original scientific paper“  presenting new and thus far unpublished results of scientific research;
  2. „Preliminary communication“ presenting new and thus far unpublished preliminary results of scientific research;
  3. „Review article“ presenting an original and critical survey of a specific field of study or its part.
  4. „Do not publish“.



Publication ethics


Manuscripts for which the editorial and review process detects containing plagiarized parts - will not be published. The same applies to auto-plagiarized work, that is, manuscripts in which the author uses parts of previously published own texts without reference. Those authors who would be declared as plagiators the Editor board may decide to deny the possibility of publishing texts in this journal for one year, five years or even at all (depending on the severity of the offense).

Living in the age of copy-paste culture and in the time of simple techniques of dissemination (and therefore availability) of scientific texts, we are aware of the responsibility for each published text - for every single sentence of every published text. Therefore, we pay a great deal of attention to analyzing texts and checking with all available means about possible attempts to plagiarize or autoplagiarize. When checking texts related to plagiarism, we use Similarity Check (Crossref).

This is why we emphasize: Text containing plagiarized parts of other people's texts will not be published.

By sending the text to the journal, the authors guarantee that the text is published for the first time, that it will not be sent to other journals during the review, that the editorial board has the right to unlimited reprint and reprint, and that no part of the text is plagiarized.

If an author is found to have made an error in the published text, the journal will issue a corrigendum. If the journal is found to have made an error, the journal will issue an erratum.

This journal is not (yet) a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE, but it follows COPE`s Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.





In the event that journal shall no longer publish manuscripts, publisher will keep and maintain the journal`s website and pdf format with every single manuscript that was published.





  1. Web site of the journal:
  1. Publisher: Center for Philosophy of Media and Mediological Researches
    1. Address: Petrovogorska 18, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia)
    2. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    3. Web site of the publisher:
  1. Editor-in-Chief: Sead Alić
    1. Web site of the Editor-in-Chief:
    2. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1. Deputy Editor: Fulvio Šuran
    1. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1. Managing Editor: Nenad Vertovšek
    1. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1. Secretary: Srećko Brdovčak Mac
    1. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1. Lectors and correctors: Majda Kovač and Vesna Ivezić
    1. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
    2. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1. Layout and placement on the Web: ing. Amir Ahmetašević
    1. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.