inmediasres2024br25 inmediasres2024br25


Journal of the Philosophy of Media


Journal publisher:
Center for Philosophy of Media and Mediological Researches (Zagreb)


Address: Petrovogorska 18, 10000 Zagreb


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YEAR 13 (2024) No. 25


Creative Commons License
This journal is open access and this work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.



ISSN 1848-6304

UDK 316.774:1

Vol 13, No. 25, 2024.



Amela Delić Aščić, Zarfa Hrnjić Kuduzović i Amira Banjić: Solution-oriented Journalism: Attitudes of Journalism Students and the Representation of solutions in the reporting of Web Portals on Young People
Novinarstvo usmjereno na rješenja: stavovi studenata novinarstva i predstavljanje rješenja u izvještavanju web portala o mladima
Paula Čatipović: The Role of Emotions in the Dissemination of Populism and fake News Phenomena
Uloga emocija u širenju populizma i fenomena lažnih vijesti
Darko Kovačić: Refrakcija religije u mediju psihoanalize (crtice uz credo ericha fromma)
Refraction of Religion in the Medium of Psychoanalysis (Hyphens with the Credo of Erich Fromm)
Fulvio Šuran: Kazalište ega: između perspektivizma i relativizma
The Theater of the Self: Between Perspectivism and Relativism
Suzana Marjanić: Handelmanovi modeli i zrcala javnih događaja ili Sinjska alka kao primjer zrcala-prezentacije; Malbašin modo epico
Handelman’s Models and Mirrors of Public events or Sinjska Alka as an example of a Mirror-presentation; Malbaša’s Modo Epico
Ivana Marasović Šušnjara, Maja Vejić i Julija Vejić: Očuvanje zdravlja – „interferencija“ konstruktivna ili destruktivna
Preservation of Health - constructive or destructive „Interference
Krešimir Katušić: Inteligentno prevladavanje stanja / Svijest o jedinstvu
Intelligent Overcoming Conditions / Unity Awareness
Livia Pavletić: Gesamtkunstwerk i multimedija – između auratskog i tehničkog
Gesamtkunstwerk and Multimedia – between the Auratic and the Technical